I had another appointment today (well, yesterday...), and thankfully there's not much to report. I believe we waited longer than we saw the doctor, which is very unusual for this office. I ran through a list of questions I had. Mostly new symptoms that have been plaguing me. Any little thing that appears is something new to question. I don't worry about them, I just make a note and mention them when I go in. I have messaged my friend (who works at the office) about a couple of symptoms that concerned me, but so far there's nothing to worry about. I'm 'growing beautifully' (his words) and her heartbeat is still strong. Praise God!
Monday morning I had an "Aha!" moment in the shower. Maybe that's not the right term. I was suddenly overcome with shock and relief that we will actually bring this baby home. I just cried and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving for this long pregnancy and the answered prayers for a baby. I'm actually six months pregnant! How did that happen?! God is Good!
Next month I have to take another glucose test. At this stage it's a standard test. We've been eating healthy and I'm trying to exercise, so I'm hopeful I won't have diabetes again. If I do, we'll do our best to control it without insulin. I'll also have an anemia test, which I believe is standard. Please say a prayer that both tests come back negative.
Over the weekend we made a decision about the baby shower. I was struggling to choose a date before she's due, and someone suggested waiting until after she's born. We looked at the calendar and have chosen September 19th. It's a little over two weeks after she's due, so if she's a little late we should be okay. This way everyone who's prayed for us can have the chance to meet her.
I've read a couple of books about birth, and we're trying to write out a birth plan. If you have any tips, we would appreciate it. If there's a book or movie you'd suggest, we're open to it.
I think that's everything for now. Thanks for the prayers!