Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pregnancy Update: Week 11

With the current due date I'm considered eleven weeks. We are all so excited!!! I haven't fit in my regular jeans in three weeks, so I'm switching between a handful of skirts. I'm hoping to pick up one or two more this weekend, along with a couple of shirts to get me through the next couple of months.

How I'm feeling: Tired and nauseous. I'm tired most days, and baby seems to have days and nights confused. I can't fall asleep even when I'm exhausted, because I napped longer than I planned during the day. No matter what time I go to bed, I wake up between 2-3 every morning and am up for an hour or two. There are worse symptoms, though! The nausea comes in waves, usually in the morning because of my sinus drainage. We're planning on replacing my pillows and getting a better humidifier soon, so hopefully that will help. If you have an awesome or horrible review for either, please let me know!

My first doctor's appointment is Thursday afternoon. I did learn I probably won't have an ultrasound that day, but I should within the next week. We haven't been to one of these appointments in almost three years, so we're brainstorming important questions to ask. If you have any, now is a great time to let us know! This song, Don't Worry by Rebecca St. James, is my mantra for this pregnancy.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. I'm trying hard to take it easy and not stress, but that's very difficult for me. I'm so thankful for these weeks we've had to share our pregnancy with you. Keep praying!

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